Sunday, February 15, 2009

USEP: Integration of Internet Apps to the University (System Proposal)

Since the rise of Internet, countless application and software had been developed to assist the needs of people as well as giving business a new definition of processing. Because of its fast growth, its accessibility does not limit only to those who can afford it but even to those. Almost all individuals in the world know what “Internet” means.

Because of these applications, systems today are now very flexible and efficient in doing works in every possible areas. But what makes a system proficient is its ability to integrate beneficial functions into one. When talking about a University, it contains many different tasks and individuals to consider with. This is a proposal of how USEP can integrate application, this is also in connection with the prior topic on USEP having an Intranet and Extranet System.

I am thinking of a complete system that could handle all the processing in the University. From the staff to the students, starting in the pre-enrollment procedure to the current accounts of students.

System Proposal: University Integrated System (UIS)

1. Data Processing :
This part constitute of any data transaction. Showing information about the school and the possible business or contract. Any user can view data about enrollment, curriculum, history, MVO and other issues. It also include the data centralization of departments within the University. With this one general database, errors and delay could be avoided. This unified storage will include the accounting and the finance division, which handles mostly with monetary funds. Students can also view the schedule available for a certain course.

Internet Application:

* it will include FTP or the File Transport Protocol, Multimedia application (flash and other apps), may also include video streaming for detailed information. E-mails for online submission of data.

2. Inter Department Link:
This will include the updates on every colleges in the University. It will include events, issues and topics that are reviewed or be taken later during the semester or school year.

Internet Application:

* HTML application that includes images and video (if possible). Data transfer will also be applicable.

3. University Staff:
This will include the initiative of the University members and staff. Their Proposal and Extension Programs, will be posted as well as the reviews on the previous events.

Internet Application:

* HTML application that includes images and video (if possible). Data transfer will also be applicable. E-mails and comment which is now gaining popularity in the net will be implemented to create dynamic audience within the University.

4. University Professor and Adviser:
Mostly configures the look and content of forums. Incorporated with events, schedule, timeline and news. With this, students will know the course of a certain professor.

Internet Application:

* HTML application that includes images and video (if possible). Data transfer is also employed. E-mails and chat box will also be helpful. Looks and content is in line with how forums look. To promote the University’s system and Institutional Competency, an organizational e-mail will be one of the ways. Proposed: having the extension of
all staff and adviser should use this for transaction purposes.

5. Students Forum:
Includes and promote the voice of the students in the University. Contains interactive connection and communication. Links can also be added to personal blogs and other information (regarding schooling). Students can also encourage e-commerce within the university’s site. With this, students will be able to find resources that is available in the school.

Internet Application:

* blog and a forum environment. E-mails and other communication will be included. File transfer within students will also be prevalent. This page can be group into colleges. Files and documents can also be uploaded and downloaded here.
HTML application
Multi media presentation
just like E-bay processing and

6. E- Learning and Online Test:
Contains some of the classes that could not be taken inside the classroom. Also comprise of quizzes and examinations.

Internet Application:

* real time updates, database and networking
HTML application
multi media presentation
Student conferencing, interactive communication

7. Outputs:
Here is where the students and other users can view important information, just like grades. Online Grading System was being proposed by many students and other staff but could not be fully implemented. Also contains the publication of the school, researches, articles and curriculum. All topics are also included for the articles and researches for better filtering.

Internet Application:

* HTML application
file transfer
multimedia presentation
communication via email and instant messaging
search engine optimization


bongga au iahang proposal presentation uie...maulaw nlng gud mi ani mg.una2 ug post.hehehehe

Hi Agnes;

Best speaker kaganiha... wooohhh...

Nindot inyong presentation kaganiha sa UM Matina Mini Auditorium.

Keep up the good work... Sa inyoha...



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